The creation of a conversion plant in La Loue

Usine de conversion à la Loue - Imerys

The final stage of the EMILI project, the conversion of lithiniferous mica concentrate into lithium hydroxide, involves separating the various elements of lithiniferous mica (iron, aluminum, silicates, potassium and lithium oxide). To achieve this, a combination of processes is envisaged: a thermal process, calcination, then a succession of processes: leaching, purification and crystallization.

As with the loading platform, a number of sites were studied to determine the location of the conversion plant. A number of technical criteria had to be met for the site to be approved, including good access to the national rail network, sufficient land for the facilities, particularly the rail terminal, and the possibility of setting up industrial activities on the site. However, the proximity of the two sites is a definite advantage in terms of helping to revitalize the area.

The conversion plant also requires an electrical connection to the public electricity transmission grid, provided by RTE, and access to the motorway network. 

Schéma du procédé de conversion - lithium EMILI

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For further information, please refer to Chapter 3 of the Dossier du Maître d'Ouvrage (DMO) “EMILI project characteristics” (french only).