Transportation by pipeline...

Pipelines running between the concentration plant and the loading platform will follow existing roads for approximately 15 kilometres. Three parallel pipelines of around 10 centimetres in diameter and buried approximately one metre underground will carry the lithiniferous mica concentrate and the feldspar concentrate, mixed with water, which will then be transported to the concentration plant.

After temporary storage at the loading station to coordinate with the train timetable, the lithiniferous mica will be filtered, loaded and transported by rail to the conversion plant, while the feldspar will be sent to customers.

... and by train  

The loading platform has a dual function as a storage site and a loading area. As the frequency of trains depends on SNCF Réseau allocation, it will be necessary to provide space to store products while they are waiting to be loaded. The lithiniferous mica can be transported by train to the conversion plant.