Economic impact: providing an exemplary social framework
Imerys, which already has a long-term presence in the Allier region through its Beauvoir kaolin operations, initiated discussions with various local stakeholders as soon as the EMILI project was launched. A research project on the socio-economic impact of the EMILI project is being carried out in partnership with the University of Clermont Auvergne and Imerys plays an active part in the technical committee set up by the Allier prefecture to maximise the project’s local spillovers.
Developing partnerships
In the specific areas of agriculture and tourism, regular discussions are held with local players to improve cooperation and the beneficial impact of the project.
For example, the Allier Chamber of Agriculture is working to optimise the use and sharing of water resources.
In the tourism sector, Imerys plans to create new partnerships, like the agreement signed with the Wolframines museum, and to organise regular tours of the mine open to the general public.
Imerys would like to be involved in any initiative from local authorities to develop industrial tourism. Imerys already has solid experience of such projects on its sites located in tourist areas, such as the Talcanéô museum in the heart of the Pyrenees.

Better understanding of future jobs
With the help of a specialist consultancy firm, Imerys was quick to launch a study of the economic and social impact of the EMILI project and, more specifically, on the number and type of direct, indirect and induced jobs that would be created by this industrial project. The initial results of the study can be found in the project owner’s file. These results will be examined in greater detail as part of the social and environmental impact study.
In conjunction with the relevant departments, coordinated in particular within the work group on this topic led by the Prefecture, Imerys wants to recruit locally wherever possible, according to the skills available, giving priority to employees from companies affected by redundancy plans.
Concrete commitments
- Recruit locally wherever possible.
- Help develop training courses in conjunction with the various players in the field.
- Encourage local businesses to take part in calls for tenders.
- Actively participate in local initiatives in the fields of
employment, training, housing, local economic development and regional attractiveness.
Local economy in numbers
Local jobs
Number of local jobs generated by household consumption
Local jobs
Number of local jobs generated by public expenditure
Locally generated GDP
Your questions about the local economy
At the end of mining operations, what will become of the workers?
Imerys will implement a regional economic development programme to ensure the future of local employment.